Casale Sur - Copper | Gold Target South of Cerro Casale (6,000m Trenching)

Casale Sur is a block of property claims that Vicunau strategically acquired from the Chilean government auction when the land became available. Casale Sur has had 6,000m+ (6km) of trenching.

Casale Sur sits just East of Vicunau’s existing Cachitos property and immediately south of the mega Barrick Newmont-GoldCorp Cerro Casale (Norte Abierto JV), displaying a strong aster anomaly.

Casale Sur is a strategic asset, prior referred to as the “Caillal Claims” held by another company for years until the asset came available at the auction.

Casale Sur - Strategic Asset Between Existing Vicunau Cachitos and Barrick's Cerro Casale

Casale Sur is an excellent example of Vicunau opportunistically acquiring properties directly from the government of Chile via auction. The auction was held for Tierra Amarilla for the first time in 12 years, and Vicunau was able to prepare for certain assets of interest.

Vicunau believes the reason Casale Sur has been a property of interest for other companies, is due to a unique satellite aster anomaly consistent with other mineral deposits in Vicuna. Importantly, Casale Sur has had 6,000m+ of trenching; significant exploration campaigns. For a property to have received so much historic work (when gold and copper were trading at $350/oz and $1.00/lb, respectively); indicates that the property has demonstrated considerable potential.

Given Casale Sur is immediately adjacent to Vicunau property Cachitos – and at similar stages of development – the two projects can be synergistically explored and developed together.


Strategically Acquired

Acquired at auction directly from Chilean government, meaning no option payments, liabilities, or royalties.

Easily Advanced With Cachitos

Adjacent to existing Vicunau asset Cachitos could mean synergistic development together.

Leverage to Gold & Copper Prices

As the Maricunga and Vicuna Copper-Gold Belts become more crowded, and metal prices rise, we believe properties like Casale Sur will offer unique leverage.

Highly Valuable Real Estate

Casale Sur is adjacent to the largest gold-copper deposit on the continent, Cerro Casale (Norte Abierto) controlled by the two largest gold companies globally.


Casale Sur is 100% owned by Vicunau. Like all Vicunau properties, there are no royalties associated with the asset. Casale Sur is adjacent to Barrick & Newmont-GoldCorp’s Cerro Casale (mult-billion dollar Norte Abierto joint venture).

Casale Sur has very strong argillic and locally silico-argillic alterations of N-S elongation. In the field, samples with frequent hematoids (hematoid quartz – quarz + iron – similar to jasper) and other oxides have been consistently recognized, with the presence of Fe varying between 5-10% and S up to 2%. These signals coincide regionally only with the Toro sector, a highly favourable attribute for Vicuna and Maricunga Copper-Gold Belt assets.